
Painted Furniture Makeovers

April 25, 2017 | by Jocie (email) |

Horray! Its that time again! This month, the All Things Creative Team have worked to bring you nine amazing painted furniture makeovers, that you will be just dying to try! They are incredible and creative and I know you will love them, regardless of your style. Now I know there are some painted furniture makeover nay-sayers. Well, let’s put that nay-saying to the side and see these makeovers for the beautiful creations they are. I love stained wood too, but sometimes the best thing for a piece is to be painted and given new life. So I hope you enjoy and feel inspired!…..and just in case you forgot the All Things Creative gang, here they are! Go check them out and see how fabulous they are for yourself.

The Kim Six FixRedhead Can Decorate
theDIYvillageCreative Cain Cabin
One Project CloserDomestically Speaking
Virginia Sweet Pea • Blue i Style
Practically Functional

Paint that Furniture!

Thank you so much for visiting and sharing our excitement about painted furniture! If you want to pin one of these amazing projects, please click the picture to visit the full DIY and pin from the original site. Thank you!


18033401 10212915581712955 7506818363521719888 nPrincess Dresser 

18010437 10154872236649442 8914585563471235077 nWoodland Dresser



What do you think? Which are your favorite furniture makeovers?

As Always, thanks for reading!


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