Hello Men Folk. (Ladies, I wrote this for the guys, but would always love your thoughts too! :-))
I’m going to take a not-so-bold leap and assume that since you’re a guy, you aren’t that familiar with Pinterest. Basically, it’s this big social picture-sharing network that lets you “pin” things you like to a personal pin board. The service is dominated by women (we’re guessing 95%+ of users are female). Both Kim and Jocie use it (Jocie most extensively), and some of OPC’s stuff is pinned up there… Even some of our “manly” stuff has made it up, like our workbenches and sawhorses (although they seem out-of-place with all those pictures of hairdos and wedding dresses).
You can follow other people on Pinterest, and you can “re-pin” their stuff onto your own board. Getting re-pins is the currency of Pinterest. If your stuff gets pinned enough times (or by the most popular pinners), you’ll make the front page.Β It’s sort of like a high school popularity contest that way. She who dies with the most re-pins wins.
You’d think there’d be a just-for-men section on Pinterest with a big button on the front of the site that said Dudes – Start Here. Behind that button we’d see pictures of axes, beer, power tools, or maybe vintage baseball cards worth more than my house. But there is no such button. Pinterest is what it is. And what it is, is a predominantly women’s hangout.
So be it. I cede the Pinterests to the lady folk. I appreciate that we’ve got two of our own ladies here at OPC to handle that angle for us. On the few occasions I need to use P’s features (say, for getting some great ideas on wainscoting for the dining room), I’ll have Kim pull up the pictures for me. She’ll be more efficient anyway, and if she stumbles across eight different ways to cross stitch a [whatever someone cross stitches], she won’t mind.
Fortunately for us men, some manly web programmers out there got together and decided we needed a site like Pinterest, but with a little more testosterone. And Gentlemint was born. It’s a Mint of Manly Things.
Really, a Site for Men? Is it one of Those Sites?
I was excited when I heard this, but also cautious. When someone says, “A site for men”, my first thought is: Is this just going to be a site filled with pictures of scantily clad (or worse, unclad) women? I’m happy to say I’ve seen no such thing on Gentlemint, and I hope it stays that way. There’s enough of that smut on the planet already. We can do without another one of those sites.
So what is on Gentlemint? Stuff like this…
…and this…
…and this…
…and this…
And if they get around to approving Ethan and me for accounts, you’ll start seeing some of OPC’s manly stuff go up there too. (I applied just a few days ago… so if you work for Gentlemint, please approve fred@oneprojectcloser.com for an account. You won’t regret it.)
It looks like the interface isn’t quite as good as Pinterest yet (not surprising, it’s new), and some of the content really isn’t that great. But we hope it’ll grow and get better, and that the men who came up with this idea will get fabulously rich, and use their new-found wealth to contribute more manliness to the web.
Take a look at the site, and let us know what you’re first impressions are, and what you think they could be doing better. And if you’re a lady and made it all the way through this article to here… I’d love your thoughts on it too π
thank you. I wasn’t sure what Pinterest was and dreaded signing up for another social media thing. I will join Minterest though….and maybe Pinterest too just in case it crosses over to a more gender balanced site.
I think there’s a fair number of masculine things on Pinterest — just not predominantly displayed… I like the name: Minterest. Hah!
Truly? I thought you were joking, but alas I see you are not.
I frequent Pinterest occasionally. I’m just not that enamored with it.
I guess I have enough projects going on without adding to the list! π
I hear that! I will say that Pinterest is a wealth of ideas if you know roughly what you’re trying to do (i.e. you have a project in mind and need some ideas). Plus, since the underlying posts are linked, you are likely to find some discussion, rather than just pictures, which is what you get with something like Google Images…
I’m a pinterest user and I don’t use it for the crafty things so much. I use it for organizing my future remodel and furniture projects and of course tool purchases. They do have a cars and motorcycles section which I frequent mostly to ogle the vintage bikes or race cars. I don’t usually re-pin but find content from things like Family Handyman, This Old House, Fine Homebuilding, etc.
Do you do a lot of source pinning (as in you’re the first one to pin?) If so, that’s probably just what Pinterest needs to get a male culture going — more people willing to do that. Maybe I’ll set up an account and start following you π
Most of my stuff is source pinning. I only have 15 pins so far though. It has to be something I’m going to implement in my own home for me to repin, otherwise I may click the like button. Check out Todd F from HCI. He’s on there too.
Fred, thanks so much for the kind words. We love the people are digging Gentlemint. You’ve hit the nail on the head about the “smut factor”–we’re not having any of that on the homepage. There are plenty of opportunities to find that elsewhere.
Anyway, thanks for the kind words and you should have gotten an email inviting you to the site a few minutes ago π
Glen – glad to hear that you’re going to keep it clean… that, I think, will make the service more attractive to people, for sure!
Hey Glen, Can you hook me up too? π ethan@oneprojectcloser.com
Since I am addicted to Pinterest, I guess that it is only right that I pass along this information to my husband! Thanks for making us aware!
Renee, you are welcome! Tell your hubby we want him to create an account here too…
Oh, and we’ve been thinking that we should be offering more crafty and decor things in our Project Rewards section for folks who visit more for those posts! So look for that soon!
Finally. Is it possible that we could at some point stage some sort of Nerf gun battle between Gentlemint and Pinterest?
I think the million+ users at Pinterest would probably kill the few hundred at Gentlemint π It may be dominated by the ladies, but I’m pretty sure my wife could put a hurtin’ on me with a nerf gun.
I’ll have to show this site to my husband! We are 15 days away from closing on our first house so he caved and started using Pinterest so he could have some input in the house decor, but he always says “I dont care about half this crap!” and gets frustrated with it.
Hahaha! Well, I’m sure Gentlemint would love to have him. It’ll probably take some time before they get real traction over there. Looks like there’s a handful of people who really enjoy the service. We’ll see how it progresses.
I have never been much for the aggregation sites, so I probably wont get into this one… but then again, I shun facebook and twitter π
I have enough distractions as it is now.
Thanks for finding that Fred… I’ll have to check that out!
I’m so showing this to my husband!!
Hey Whitney! Thanks for dropping by our site! I’m sure our guys would love you to tell your husband about US too!
Love the idea, but Pinterest isn’t meant to be exclusive to women. My husband is on there, he’s just not as active because he doesn’t use social media as much as I do. Isn’t there a stat somewhere that says women are more active in social media as a whole anyway? Perhaps that’s the reason behind it.
If men really wanted to, they could start pinning all sorts of manly stuff and make Pinterest whatever they want. But I’m wondering if all the women are scaring them off? If that’s the case, then Gentlemint has a serious shot with the menfolk.
Hi Liz! I think you’re probably onto something… I’m not sure that Pinterest set out to be what it is… it more just became that. I am SURE women are more active on Social Media than men, though! I also think that what’s happened is that the front page looks like a women’s site, and so men aren’t likely to dig in…
It will be interesting to see if Pinterest responds… potentially by standing up something that is more exclusively focused on men… The interface on Pinterest is WAY better right now. Gentlemint has a long way to go.
I never visited Pinterest until I clicked through from this story. I did see some interesting things on Gentlemint – including some OPC content. I’ll have to add this site to my regular visit list.
Is it weird I’d probably like the Gentlemint site too? Pintrest is fun at time but I can only view so many arts n crafts projects before I wanna go slap Martha Stewart. lol sorry dont mean to offend anyone by that.
I have that picture in my mind now… love it π
My wife told me about Gentlemint, and I’ve applied for acceptance, waiting for them to get back to me for finalization of ” membership”. I think it will be interesting and diverse. She’s told me that the founders do NOT want it to become a site our ladies wouldn’t feel comfortable with us manly men visiting.
That’s 100% correct based on Glen’s statement above!
Welcome to OPC, HANDYMAN 51. Glad to see you and I hope we’ll get you involved in the discussions… Some more “manly” tools on their way tomorrow AM.
So Fred, have you had an opportunity to delve more into Gentlemint? I’m curious to learn more about it!
I’ve been enjoying it as I get the chance to go through it… More as a distraction. I’m waiting for an iPhone app to really get into it. They are making some changes (I’ve got on my to-do list an interview with the founder that he’s agreed to)… I would like to be able to see things categorized so that I can pin the useful stuff….
the pinnacle of the american masculine journey. sad. go outside already.
Gentlemint seems right up my alley. I’ll have to sign up. Thanks for the rec.