Updated 4/29/2011: You can find Kobalt products at your neighborhood Lowes, but before you head out, pick up a sweet Lowes Coupon. This coupon gives you an automatic 10% off any in-store purchase, and who doesn’t like to save money?
A miter saw is really a bread-and-butter tool for any professional wood worker or DIYer. It’s has a wide set of applications for many home improvement projects. So, it’s important that you choose a miter saw that is versatile, precise, and can handle any project you undertake.
Lowes produces its own line of tools called Kobalt. Kobalt brand features everything from tool storage and impact wrenches to ratchets and compressors. They were kind enough to let us try our hand with their 10″ sliding compound miter saw. Read on to learn about the features of this saw and how it stacks up.
Kobalt Miter Saw Review
Laser Guide
Lots of miter saws are including a laser guide to help users line up their cuts. The first thing I like about the Kobalt laser is it’s location. Some competitors place the laser guide on the end of the handle. These lasers are easily obstructed and more apt to being bumped and misaligned. Kobalt places its laser on the cutting head support, out of the way. Secondly, the laser doesn’t require batteries. Replacing batteries is cumbersome. Kobalt was smart to integrate the laser power supply with the saw. Click on the picture for a close-up view.
This miter saw is very precise for both miter and bevel cuts. The saw blade cuts immediately to the right of the laser guide so you know exactly where to place your stock. The laser was accurate even when sliding the blade forward. Plus, this sliding miter saw is equipped with a 10″ blade. That means it can handle very large stock (3-5/8″ x 12″ @ 90° and 3-5/8″ x 8″ @ 45°).
Hold-Down Clamp and Extensions
I’ve seen both of these features on other miter saws, but never really tried them out. These are small bells and whistles that really help your work flow. The Hold-Down Clamp quickly locks your material in place and has four different locations. The extensions easily slide out for additional support.
PriceI know I’ve already mentioned the price, but it’s worth mentioning again. At $199, you’ll be hard pressed to find a better 10″, sliding miter saw. Most sliding miter saws are about double this price tag.
Additional Features
Here are some additional features and specifications.
- 15 amp motor
- 10″ blade, 4800RPM
- Telescoping supports on left and right sides
- 45° max bevel and 50° max miter
- Electric blade brake
- Positive miter and bevel stops at common angles
- Sliding rear fence
- Horizontal switch handle
- Bevel detent and cutting depth preset
- Sliding rear fence
Areas for Improvement
There are two improvements Kobalt could address. First, the dust collector doesn’t work well. I setup outside and brushed off a fair amount of sawdust after I was finished. In the future, I’ll connect my shop-vac in place of the dust bag. My second complaint is the location of the bevel locking handle. It’s mounted on the backside of the cutting head support, making it difficult to reach.
Response to Commenters
There are few commenters below sharing disappointments with this saw. I appreciate the many different opinions, but it’s worth stating that my Kobalt Miter saw is still working like a charm, a year and a half after I ran this review. I do believe you get what you pay for, but this saw has performed through an entire first floor hardwood installation (click here for the full Hardwood Flooring Installation Guide) and even simple projects like cutting baseboard. The laser is still true and I’m still happy with it.
These are the features I really liked about this saw.
Where to Buy the Kobalt Sliding Miter Saw
If you’re looking to purchase your first miter saw or even upgrade from a non-sliding version, the Kobalt Sliding Miter Saw seems like a reasonable choice to us. This saw includes all the important features of a mitre saw, but also sports a decent price at $199. (Sometimes $149 on sale).
Kobalt brand tools are available from Lowes.
What do you think? What’s your experience with this saw?
The laser would be a nice feature to have.
I bought it. It worked fairly well for some rough woodworking but i could never get a straight cut out of it, I finally noticed that the fence was bent, That could have been my fault with rough handling, (though something “contractor grade” should be ready for rough handling) but when I tried to buy a new fence I discovered that they do not sell parts for any of the Kobalt tools. Today it was cold outside (-10 F) and I went to move the saw into the garage to figure out how to make a new fence or repair the bent one. When I picked it up by the carrying handle on top of the unit it shattered, the carying handle and the trigger handle broke into several pieces. It was manufactured with a plastic with a low glass transition temperature, when the plastic gets below that temp it becomes brittle. I could fix it with some hot melt glue, but at this point I think I’m going to just pull the blade off of it and look to see what Costco has on sale.
I Just Bought This Laser Sliding Compound Miter Saw And It Throws Saw Dust All Over The Saw And Shop Floor. I Removed Its Dust Bag And Nothing Comes Out Of The Hole While Using It. Is Their Anything I Can Do Beside Taking It Back.
i used a bungee cord and tied down my shop vac hose to it.
First, you get what you pay for. I bought this unit for cutting laminate flooring and siding. The blade was the first thing to go. After checking square out of the box,
it was no way even close. But with all the plastic parts, there was no way to keep the unit cutting square.
The lazer works great, if you are in a low light room. In the sunlight , you can’t see the line from the lazer.
The side extension arms are not strong enough to hold up to any weight, the bars are to small,should be stronger, larger metal.
If you need a saw that will cut a 2×12 in a single pass,if you don’t need the saw to cut square this saw will do the job,a little under power but with a good blade,
and its light easy to carry.
I did not expect much out of this saw and I was right. You get what you pay for
I bought this laser sliding compound miter saw (Kobalt) and I will state also that that the dust bag system does not work, the sliding mechanism does not roll well and there doesn’t seem to be any way to lubricate it. My problem now is that the laser got out of line while I was cleaning it and I can’t get it back in line that gives me a nice line for cutting. The laser is located in a bad place because it gets all the blow-back from the saw and this dirties it so there is no light, a better location would help. Is there anyone out there that knows the secret to lining up the laser??
I bought the Kobalt 10″ sliding miter saw and returned it a week later. I used it one day and screwed up several crown molding cuts until I dummied up and checked for square. The saw was incapable of cutting a good and accurate miter cut. The bag did not work, as it let sawdust out all over the room and picked up very little sawdust in return. The fence was crooked and loose.
Lowes told me that I could not get parts for the saw.
I cut the crown moldings with my 15 year old (Made in USA) Craftsman miter saw without a hitch. It doesn’t have a laser, clamps, extender rests, doesn’t slide, etc; but GUESS WHAT? It makes miter cuts accurately. If you just want a low budget, cheaply made (made in Communist Red China) saw that does large rough cuts; be my guest. If you need accurate miter cuts, fagettabout this crumby saw.
Jim White
I have the saw and I have made very accurate cuts with it. The dust bag does not work so you can eliminate that. My laser has gone bad too and I called kobalt on a number that the clerk in the store gave me, they were very helpful and they sent me out a new laser assembly. The problem I have now is to install it, some of the screws to hold the laser bracket are in back and hard to get at, secondly I may have to disassemble the saw motor body to thread the wire up to the switch. I’m trying to get a manual that will show me how to install this laser. Has anyone done this?
I bought this saw to do some trim work around the house. Luckily I checked on some scrap wood because out of the box it was making unsquare cuts. Once I adjusted the backstop to make a square cut, When the back of the blade passed through half the trim it would cut deeper than the front halk had leaving a step in the middle of the board. I put a block under the workpiece to prent the back of the blade from passing through the cut and I got a straight cut. When trying to make bevel cuts, the board would not cut square and was adding a mitre to the cut. This saw went back because it is not at all good for doing finish work. I ended up buying the Dewalt Compound Miter chopsaw and had no problems making true cuts. The Cobalt is cheaper but after you factor in the untrue cuts and time wasted trying to correct it, you are better off spending the $$ on a better qaulity saw.
Bought this and I am completely satisfied. Almost everything I do would be considered framing work rather than finish work (VERY IMPORTANT POINT). As a DIY this saw gives me more flexibility than a chop saw although I understand it isnt a surgical precise finish work miter saw. I agree with the guy that said earlier “You get what you pay for”. IMPO this is very much an entry level tool. To be honest I believe most of the complaints here are due to guys wanting $800 performance out of a $150 saw ? ? ? ? If you want to do flawless finish/trim work… you WILL NOT be happy with this ! ! ! !
I appreciate you adding this. We’ve used this saw for a variety of projects since the initial review, including some rough framing work and for installing baseboard and shoe molding. For the finish work, I swapped out the blade with an 80 tooth blade and it performed just fine. In terms of some of the other comments on here: I have found the roller mechanism to be absolutely OK, so I think the commenter who feels like it needs lubricating may have not loosened the bolt that holds it all the way, or he may have gotten a defective model. The truth is that you get what you pay for. In the $150-200 range, this saw stacks up pretty well. It has some of the features of a nicer saw without the price tag. I have no noticed an out of square problem on our saw. All the baseboard work we did came out great.
Again, I think “you get what you pay for” is correct here, but not necessarily in a pejorative way. Lowes hasn’t created a competitor for Bosch’s $700 sliding mitre, but then again, that wasn’t the goal.
I have a Kobalt 10″ sliding compound miter saw, the fence has a little bowl in it. It cuts pretty good on long boards, but on short board, because of the bowl on the fence, The cut is about 1/6″ off…. Is it proable to get a new fence, or fix the one that I have…
Thank You, Harley
Hey Harley, I haven’t tried replacing any of the parts on my miter saw- it’s still working just fine. You should probably give Lowes a call and see what they say. Let us know what you find out.
Harley, I learned that you can call 1-888-3-Kobalt to get information about replacement parts.
Hello Harley. Did you ever get an answer to your fence question? I have the same problem. I can square up one side of the fence or the other, but, because of the bow in the fence, the wood will flex into the bow while making a cut. This is extremely painful as i cannot create a true 90 degree angle when joining the cut piece.
I saw found some instructions (albeit for a dewalt model) for correcting this problem. Losen up the bolts for the fence. Clamp the fence to a heavy straight edge to straighten it. Tighten the bolts (re-attached fence) with the fence still clamped to the straight edge.
Not at all impressed , fence is easy to bend, lazer way off and the whole thing feels like it about to break at any minute… even when not in use, :). I still have the older model of this saw without the lazer or slide option, far better saw.
I bought a 10 inch kolbalt sliding compound miter saw from someone on craigslist, for 80 bucks . This saw was supposed to have only been used for making bird houses,and other light stuff. I had to meet the person that was selling the saw half way because they lived so far away ,so like a dummy i took this sellers word for it that the saw was good to go.I get this thing home ,plug it in and it sounded like death eatin crackers,they must have built a whole housing developement with this thing , im assuming that the transmission has a problem.I have spent hours trying to find a website that has some info on where to find parts for this saw and have come up with nothing other than whitch lowes has new ones for sale, i even looked up who makes the saws and still no luck.Does anyone know where i can find parts for this???????? something other than nothing would be greatly appreciated.
easy fix……buy a new one at lowes, swap the old one for new, close and tape up the box like manufacturer and return to get your money back. if they ask tell them you never even opened the box. DONE. now you have a brand new saw for 80 bucks and the other will go to the factory to get refurbished.
I was really excited when I first bought this saw because of all the features that come with it. I baught it and used it 3 times and the back steal plate that holds the wood strait split into. I could not believe that this metal piece broke. I took it back to lowes and returned it to trade it out for the same one. I brought the new one home in the box that never was open. when I opened it to use it the lazer switch was hanging out broke and the handle was cracked. I am very upet about this. I took it back to lowes and get a refund and will not be buying another one. I dont want to take a chance of another one breaking. I just wish it would have worked out. now I am going to have to try to find a different brand and hope it has all the features as this one had.
I would not recomend anyone to buy this saw!!!
I just got mine home today. My $500 Makita stopped working a few years ago. I thought what do I have to lose. I can spend $500 and have it break or $200 and have it break. Got through replacement of several deck boards and 2 x12 steps nice and square out of the box. Sun was bright, but I could still ( barely) see the laser. I paid an extra $20 for the 1 year replacement protection just in case. I like it so far. And I don’t think I will be using it in -10 degree weather.
how do I adjust the laser
You dont. Return it to lowes. I had the same problem and I returned it.
None of you clowns has mentioned that this saw was made in Communist Red China. Have any of you heard that America’s economy is in trouble and millions of people have lost their jobs? Are you even vaguely aware that millions of our jobs have gone to countries like Communist Red China? As long as you jerks continue to buy junk made in Communist Red China American’s situation will continue to get worse.
Show me a saw that isn’t made overseas.Do you own a TV, a computer, a cell phone, a microwave? I’ll bet you have appliances or other stuff in your house that is made in China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia or somewhere besides here. Regulations and taxes have driven our manufacturing jobs overseas so that we can all afford the junk we have in our homes from clothes to big screen TV’s and even cars and trucks.
Do you think your car is made here too? Even if you are driving a true American vehicle, made by a company that is headquartered in the U.S.A. I would bet that at least half of the parts are made somewhere else and then put into your “American Made” vehicle. Even tractors and farm implements are made overseas now and then re-badged with American-made brand names so we will continue to purchase them.
We are part of a global economy and like it or not, that means that some of our stuff will be made in foreign countries including China.
The real truth is that this is not a commercial-grade saw and should not be treated as such. If you spend $200 on a saw these days, with all these bells and whistles, you should know up front that you are not getting a high-quality saw, regardless of where it is built. To get a high-quality saw with all of these features you have to spend around $400 these days, and for the record, it will probably be made overseas too. Just sayin’!!!
who gives a crap about where its made. nothing is made in america any more and if it is guess what its CRAP… american made products are made with low quality materials to make corporate america even richer. and the rest of us peasants are left to rot.
Yes, 99% of us realize that this item is made in China. I would gladly buy a US made product “If one was available at near the same price!” I am sick and tired of high priced made in US items that are no better than lower priced items made overseas. Get rid of UNIONS and the extra $$$ required for their over inflated salaries and wages. When a janitor or someone equally trained makes much more than our average service member then it is ridiculous. Unions had their place but should follow the lead of the Jurassic Period. Thank you!
AMEN BROTHER ! ! ! Thought the exact same thing bob k. I just didn’t respond because this isn’t where I go to have political debates… Its where people go to get reviews on tools. I figure if we just ignore them people like JW will go elsewhere to blame everyone else for their problems.
What you say guys (and girls) lets keep this an open and honest discussion about tools ? ?
You can blame unions or whoever. But when CEO s make more in one year than all their employs make together in ten years. That’s the real problem. No. one needs over 300 million a year to survive. An that is the real problem. Deal with it.
I was talked into this saw last year by a sales person at Lowes. I was looking at the Hitach 12 inch slider on sale at $400. He asked what I wanted it for and I told him decking and occasional trim. He (rightfully) told me that throwing the Hitachi in the back of my truck for deck work was overkill and showed me the high price of the 12 inch blades – that killed the idea of the Hitachi. I got the Kobalt for $179 and mine was square out of the box and I thought the 60 tooth blade cut pretty cleanly. I really haven’t used it a ton but I have no major complaints. I have a vintage Dewalt radial arm saw for fine work, so this Kobalt fit the bill. And as an aside, unless you’re buying a Festool product, what ISN’T made in China? Blame the executives who run our companies and the unions who refuse to make any concessions at all.
I also have a Kobalt 10″ chop saw for occasional home repair or hobby work. Have had it about two years and recently discovered, as so many of here have, the back fence was out of alignment. The “bow” is in part that that couples the two halves of the fence together, is bent. I was surprised because I’ve never mistreated the saw. It appears to be made of some soft alloy, possibly aluminum. I can’t believe they would make such an important part of a saw from this material. Now I need a new back fence….as many of you do. I needed to do some accurate 45’s today so I pulled out my old garage sale Craftsmen to do the job. I like the features of the Kobalt saw but…..
I have a 10″Kobalt compound saw and I need to replace the blade safety guard.
Where can i find one?
Have a Kobalt 10 Inch miter saw. Need to replace the handle. Where can I find one?
My laser light is burned out. Is there a way to replace and how and where to get replacement parts. I’m assuming it is burned out
I need a laser light and parts department does not answer the phone. How can I buy this item Model 251946? Serial 075708.
DO NOT BUY !!! This saw is JUNK . Spend the extra money on a Dewalt . The only part that drives this blade is a piece of metal 1/2 inch long and 1/8 square because it is a gear drive and not direct drive . After a couple years of use this little piece actually breaks in half from the on off use of the saw . Have mine tore apart right now and is no easy job . Laser light worked couple months but wasn’t accurate anyway . Replaced handle . trouble with guard . Just a piece of junk . Buy Dewalt
Most of the reader comments suggest avoiding this saw. I’ve seen a lot of problems sited like an inaccurate fence, broken laser, no replacement parts, not cutting square, etc. Despite all that, I’m still using my Kobalt, and it’s doing just fine. I was using it the other day for built-in (and accuracy is important for built-ins). I’m not saying people aren’t having problems with this saw. In fact, it sounds like it often has manufacturer errors. All I’m saying is that mine is still working well.
I’m trying to square up this saw, but I bought the floor model and it didn’t come with instructions. Can’t seem to find anything online, any advice?
I just had one of these go across my repair bench. The problem was that the saw wasn’t making good, square cuts. I first laid a straight edge across the fence, which was perfectly straight. I then checked the miter angles with a precision machined square. The miter angles were perfect. Checked the bevels, all good. Lastly, I laid my straight edge across the table and noticed that the turntable was raised higher than the side tables. I couldn’t tell you if they are all manufactured like this or if it an isolated incident, but it is not a good thing.
Just got a used Kobolt 10in. 251946 Ser. no. 020215 and I would like to
purchase an owners manuel.
Randy Covert
I have had this saw about month. Everything works perfect. Used for framing, outside trim and siding work. Now inside trim. I have no complaints. Lasers seem to me like a gimmick as you can see the blade position without it. Also I think most folks don’t understand that a cut with this type saw regardless of brand should always start at the outside and slide back to the fence as the cut progresses. Hope this helps, I prefer this saw to top of the line dewalt or rigid models. 200.00 bucks, if it breaks I will probably get another.
Got my saw last week. problem with mine is that it cuts 1/8th
of an inch to the left of the laser beam.
Any way to adjust this.
I bought the saw a little over a month ago. It was off some but tuned up very well. The laser was about 1/8″ to the right of the blade. After I tuned up the saw I loosened the 4 screws holding the laser on. I was able to shim the left side of the laser with a thin piece of cardboard and when the screws were tightened it moved in against the side of the blade. The line was so close it looked like a dotted line because of the carbide tips but when the blade is lowered and the laser line is over my pencil line the kerf is right against the edge of the line where it should be. Very accurate. Used an 80 tooth blade which helps.
Also attached a 2″ vac line in the place of the dust bag. It doesn’t catch all the dust but really helps. Used my shopvac. Most shopvacs will accept the 2″ hose instead of the 1 1/4″ that comes with them. The 1 1/4″ did not work as well.
I built my own 6′ miter saw feed table out of scraps I had and this really helps with the accuracy. Have used the saw a lot and it has worked well so far.
Those above who state the guide fence is out of true, bowed or warped are right on the money. Left and right perpendicular cuts are not square and no amount of fence adjustment will cure it. I made a fence out of 1/2″ oak plank for about $7.00 and an hours time. One could also cut notches in the curved portion of the fence that show degrees and then flex it into a straight position. Anyway that dead horse is beat. On an up note the motor and slide are good as is the laser. If you buy it, check it and or correct its flaws before you try and do crown molding or door trim work……….My saw is 2 years old and the new model guide fences are of a different design. Now to the guide fence is a composite of aluminum and some sort of plastic maybe its better.. Mike
how bout talking about the lack of parts once the saw is out of warranty, I have one that works fine except the handle needs replaced , no warranty and no parts available.. corporate greed in that some college educated idiot decided that they would make a higher profit by selling new saws by not letting people repair their tools. buy tools from companies that sell repair parts,,boycott kobalt tools
I use mine so occasionally that I’ve never found any real problems other that the lack of dust collection. But now I’ve got two big projects planned, so yesterday I bought Kobalt’s stand 514933 so I wouldn’t have to use it on my barn floor. Who would have guessed that this Kobalt saw wouldn’t be able to mount to their own stand? The bolt holes on the saw aren’t lined up front to back to allow it to fit on any stand I’ve seen!
Do you people know how to read?
All but one complaint read throughout the internet held even an ounce of merrit!
Would you like it if someone bashed your company, or your work for no good reason? Or becuse they lacked the proper know how to use your product properly?
Don’t use tools you are not educated on using, adjusting, or properly operating..
The new generation of people think everything should be sooo easy and convient!
Aaaaany waz its a great saw for the money! I am a mechanical Engineer, and can tell you this is a neat and very well thought out unit! Yes, its not designed to operate at a high duty cycle like a pro grade unit, but your not paying that kind of coin!
We Engineers do select materials that suite a predicted product life span. That said, this unit will hold up to light carpentry work or the do-it your self’r. Or, maybe a newbe to the carpentry world. It’s low cost will allow you to get a great start at least in this trade!
If its out of square, adjust it! if its defective, swap it out! it is that simple, dont judge a product until you have truly exhausted all avenues to make sure you did your part to adjust it first. miss-use and abuse is your doing! dont! Treat it with care! it will serve you well.
Thanks for listening!
Good luck Cobalt! Thanks for putting suck a nice saw in this price range!
I appreciate it, so should you all!
Thats not very nice Sir Eric.
You must be a lowes sales man . Sounds like your pushing this piece of junk on everybody ! Funny you admit in your blog its junk thats why its priced so cheap! Fact is this saw will cost you more money : wasting time correcting problems,wasting material, etc. Truly bottom of line saw.
The lazier is only adjustable from the center of the blade to the right.. I cannot get the lazier to the left of the blade for a right handed person
Eric, I agree with you. It sounds like some of the people complaining about the saw have not read the manual. I just bought the bigger version, the 12″ double-bevel, sliding compound miter saw by Kobalt. First thing I did was read the manual and make a list of things to check and/or adjust, to wit: 90° bevel pointer adjustment; 45° left and right bevel stop; 33.9° left and right bevel adjustment; adjust miter angles and pointer; set/check cutting depth and adjust if necessary; adjust fence squareness; align laser guide and check laser beam adjustment. These steps all are found on pages 19 through 24 of the manual that came with the saw.
If I remember right all kobalt tools from lowes can be replaced if they still carry the item. I returned a set of bolt crops which i used for 3 years until one of the bolts holding it together sheared, i went in to get a replacement bolt and ended up leaving with a replacement set of crops for nothing.
I have had this saw for about two years, having purchased it as my wife’s christmas present(she likes practical gifts), and have not had the same issues as far as physical problems with the saw.
This saw has been extremely nice to us and I now have it on top of my table saw for use 😉
I did notice the dust collection issues and will try the shop vac recommendation(I usually don’t care and just blow the dust off.
It is super easy to adjust everything, including the laser and I am unsure why anyone would think it would be easy to see in direct sunlight.
As a recent “joiner” of the site, I am glad to see that my saw got reviewed by you guys as I have enjoyed your reviews immensely.
I had a 10″ Kobalt sliding saw for about 8 years. It was originally $200, but I bought the shelf display model for $99, no box, no book.
I adjusted it once but it never would cut square. I’ve used it mostly for cut-off work, not for molding, until lately, when I finally put my level against the fence and discovered a bow causing about 3/16″ error when cutting against one half of the fence.
I buy a lot of stuff at Lowes, but expecting that they’d balk at my returning an 8-yr-old product, I took with me a lot of receipts to prove what a loyal customer I’ve been. They simply told me to go get another saw, no questions, and swapped out the bad saw for a new 8″ Kobalt slider, plus gave me a $100 store credit card. I thanked the manager for his customer service staff making it so easy. He said it’s all about customer service.
Test cuts on molding with the new saw proved 100% right on for 45’s and 90’s. The only flaw I’ve noticed is that the rotating table sits about 1/32 higher than the saw base. I will probably just put some duct tape on there to shim it.
One thing I really like about the 8″ slider is that it’s small and light. Since I don’t have a garage or storage building, I have to store my slider in the attic, so hoisting it up the folding attic stairs will be a lot easier.
Well I guess i’m one of the lucky ones, My 10″ Kobalt sliding saw has been a really good saw. Got it for $150 about 7 yrs ago and true the dust collector never worked from day one. But with nearly daily use the only thing I have had to do is replace the brushes 3 times, it would be nice if Lowes would carry the replacement brushes as a convenience in the saw section.
I have read, with interest, the many comments about this saw. I saw a 10″ model in Lowe’s Canadian sub (Rona which Lowe’s bought a couple years ago) and decided to research. I have a vintage Rigid mitre saw without the features of this unit. Worked great until I messed up the fence and bent it. Replaced it with a homemade fence of particle board (not a real good idea) but could not buy a replacement.
Nobody seems to mention Milwaukee tools, of which I now have several, but with the criticism of the Kobalt, I may consider spending more for a better saw, but not a Dewalt. Any thoughts on Milwaukee (which is made in China too)
I bought this saw brand new in 2009 or 2010, can’t remember exactly though. This saw has been used for a variety of jobs including rough and finish carpentry. It’s not perfect as it is only a tool. But I’ve always believed a tool is only as good as its user. That being said, the dust collector bag is useless. You absolutely must have a high power shop-vac connected for it to be off any use. Even then, it isn’t the greatest. Also, as a lot of the factory blades are junk, it fried out rather quickly so that was replaced. In regards to a square cut though, perfect every time. Perfect bevels, perfect 45’s, perfect cuts all the way around. This saw is creeping on a decade and It still works like new. You cannot get a saw this good for this price anywhere. Kudos!
I’ve had my saw for 3 years, made some small adjustments but overall, well worth the money. As for Ben Dover? Do you really think it’s best to lie to a decent to deal with company like Lowes? Is that what you teach your kids? Take a beat up saw, tape it up in the box to look like new, have Lowes put it back on the shelf, ( and yes, they do that) and the next guy who has to lug it home and wants to get to work, finds He has to return it! All because your not honest. Fortunately, most customers wouldn’t do that kind of thing. That sad Ben….sad.
I agree totally.
I bought a smaller Kobalt circular saw. Got home,ready to go right to work. Open box,( which was strapped shut). Yep…used… full of sawdust and broken. 45 minutes back to store and of course they didn’t have another one. They said contractors do it all the time. Sad.
I agree totally.
I bought a smaller Kobalt circular saw. Got home,ready to go right to work. Open box,( which was strapped shut). Yep…used… full of sawdust and broken. 45 minutes back to store and of course they didn’t have another one. They said contractors do it all the time. Sad.
I bought the kobalt 10″sliding compound miter saw about 2 yrs ago. I have no complaints about the saw for my use. the issue I have you can’t get parts for them. IMO these are through away saws, when they break you through them away instead of repairing. Just like Harbor Freight stuff
I bought this tool in 2011 or 2012. I have built a shed, above ground gardens, countless trim jobs, doors, and even an addition in my basement. It is a a great saw. Maybe I got lucky but I did zero research and bought it on a whim. It has been excellent. I haven’t even replaced the blade yet but I am going to this weekend finally.
My laser light is burned out. Is there a way to replace and how and where to get replacement parts. I’m assuming it is burned out
You can blame unions or whoever. But when CEO s make more in one year than all their employs make together in ten years. That’s the real problem. No. one needs over 300 million a year to survive. An that is the real problem. Deal with it.
Hey Harley, I haven’t tried replacing any of the parts on my miter saw- it’s still working just fine. You should probably give Lowes a call and see what they say. Let us know what you find out.
Have a Kobalt 10 Inch miter saw. Need to replace the handle. Where can I find one?
I’m trying to square up this saw
The lazier is only adjustable from the center of the blade to the right.
Have used the saw a lot and it has worked well so far.
Good luck Cobalt! Thanks for putting suck a nice saw in this price range!
All I’m saying is that mine is still working well.