If you’re new to OPC or haven’t looked around much, you might have missed our Rewards Center. In a nutshell, it’s the page on our site where you can score 100% free tools, and I’m not talking about some namby-pamby flashlight you’ll never use. Right now, the Rewards Center is stocked with a Johnson level, Channellock pliers, a Stanley utility bar, a Ridgid orbital sander, and more!
To get in on the action, all you need to do is sign up for a Project Rewards account on our site. What’s the program all about, you ask? Basically, we reward you for visiting and interacting here on One Project Closer. It’s 100% free. There’s no cost to join, and there’s no shipping charges for the rewards we send you.
How to Join Project Rewards
Take a minute and sign up for an account. After you do, you’ll earn two (2) Project Points (pp) for logging in each day and five (5) Project Points for every comment you leave. When you’ve got enough points, you can bid on items like the Channellock pliers that are starting at just 50 pp. (Yep, you could get those pliers with just 10 comments on our site if no one else bids!)
What’s the Catch?
There is no catch. Our Project Rewards program encourages readers (that’s you!) to participate on OPC. That’s all we ask. We love it when readers visit, and we especially love it when you leave a comment. In fact, you can sign up for an account, then leave a comment on this article and earn 5 pp right now!
Not convinced yet? Read here for more information.
[Well, maybe there’s just one catch. We ship only to destinations in the U.S. and Canada… Sorry to our Aussie & UK readers…]
Up for Grabs Right Now
We just refreshed our Rewards Center this morning. You’ll find all of these tools up for bid starting immediately.
The top offerings include a Ridgid 6″ random orbital sander, a Stanley utility bar (like Steve Wartman’s crew used for the Shed Build Project), a Johnson 9″ Torpedo level (with magnetic edge), a pair of Channellock pliers, a Stanley 30′ tape measure and a Stanley wood chisel set.
The Not-So-Fine Print
Everything on our site is subject to our Terms and Conditions. We operate this program with integrity; however, for legal purposes, it’s worth noting a few things here:
- This program is operated at our discretion and can be discontinued at any time.
- Project Points (pps) have no cash value.
- Project Points can be added or subtracted to users at our discretion.
- At any time, before or after winning an auction, we can choose not to honor the results of an auction for any reason.
- The programs rules can change at any time, without notice.
- Any attempts to manipulate the program will result in a banned account. Remember, we have to ship the goods ourselves for these auctions, so we will be interacting with you personally upon a win.
You guys rock! We are loving the latest toy we won, the Ryobi tool kit. Thanks for offering this great feature.
You are more than welcome! Glad you are enjoying the kit!
So I just came across this site yesterday and liked it. Now seeing this cool feature, I like it a lot more. I have been trying to be more handy and starting to get into word working as a hobby. This blog is going to be a go to every day.
Welcome Nater! OPC is definitely a great site to pick up some knowledge. There are even a few woodworkers that like to hang out here (I know I do).
I impressed my Father-in-Law with the Ridgid 18 gauage angled finish nailer I won. I do wonder if you could consider shortening those days left to bid, it just feels like an eternity but perhaps that’s just my perception.
Hey Icarus! We let the rewards center get away from us a bit. Our plan is to add some more stuff in a bout two weeks and having rolling deadlines. Our hope is to always have 8-10 items in there for our most loyal readers. Don’t worry, the time will go quick! And we’ll have some great projects along the way for our new readers to earn some points 🙂
Ok. Who doesn’t love free stuff?
This program is almost like getting paid to read blog posts. I love it!
We really have to thank the manufacturers who continue to invest in the program. All of the tools you see here are donations from manufacturers who support us. We obviously really appreciate them!
Thanks to you and the manufacturers, because this is a great program – OPC is one of my first stops every morning (And I’m rocking my shirt frequently trying to spread the word)!
I’m still waiting on that Best Made axe to show up in the rewards center.
I gotta figure out how to get more points…I guess this is one way! 😉
My friend BJ directed me to OPC and I’m really glad he did! The rewards center is a very cool idea to initiate interaction! I’m really looking forward to making OPC an everyday stop! Thanks alot!
Matt K.
Matt, welcome to OPC! We’re glad to have you. We’re a fun bunch around here. If you enjoy DIY projects, you’ll most certainly like hanging out here! We’re constantly improving our game, too, so if you have any suggestions, make sure you get heard. There’s a lot of other great guys here (jeff_williams, joe, william, haus, and I’m sure I’m forgetting a bunch of others). Glad to make you a part of what we’re doing.
So does the bidding work like any other auction. If you bid, then lose, you still get your points?
Yep. You’ll only be deducted points if you win (and I do that manually so it’s not immediate).