This is my post but really, it’s Ethan’s baby! About a year ago, he started researching shaving with an double-edged safety razor. From there and a little help from me, it snow balled into the perfect vintage shaving kit for men. He still loves these recipes for their smooth close shave!
A Good Way to Shave a Buck
Ethan, like me, hates spending a crazy amount of money on disposable blades, but there aren’t lots of cheaper alternatives out there, especially if you want a good shave. Ethan was using the Gillette Mach3, which costs about $25 for 10 blades…that seriously adds up over time. This shaving kit costs a bit up front. However, most of it is a one-time cost, and you quickly recoup the investment after just one year.
- 1970 Gillette Tech Safety Razor: $30 (ebay)
- Assorted Blades: 100 blades for $25 (Amazon)
- Omega Shaving Brush: $13 (Amazon)
- Proraso Shaving Cream: $9 (Amazon)
- Shaving Stand: $19 (Amazon)
- Pre Shave: $0.50 plus the cost of the bottle
- After Shave: $0.50 plus the cost of the bottle
When we went away in February for our skiing (near-death) weekend, Ethan and I did some antiquing and for the first time in our relationship, he was excited about shopping! He spent the day looking for an antique razor, but with no luck. One shop owner told us that they sell very very quickly. So Ethan took to eBay for a deal.
Getting’ Oily with It!
After Ethan bought his razor and other accessories, he asked me to make him a pre shave and after shave. I was a little confused about what a pre-shave was and did some research on both before making my own concoctions.
The Pre-Shave Ethan puts on before the shaving cream. The purpose is to provide an extra layer of protection and help the razor glide smoothly over the skin. The Vitamin E was added because it is a natural preservative and it is great for the skin.
Pre-Shave Recipe:
- 1 oz. Olive Oil
- 4 drops Vitamin E
- 8 drops Young Living Lavender Essential Oil
- 4 drops Young Living Orange Essential Oil
With the pre-shave and shaving cream, most of the smell is washed away, but the after-shave needs to be functional and pleasant to the smell. So, I chose Valor Essential Oil, which is a Young Living Blend that includes Rosewood, Blue Tansy, Frankincense, and Spruce Essential Oils. It is a blend that helps encourage confidence and courage. I paired it with Witch Hazel, with tightens pores and cleans.
After Shave recipe:
- 1 oz. Witch Hazel
- 4 drops Vitamin E
- 12 drops Valor Essential Oil (or Shutran is also amazing!)
Side note: Always use glass bottles with Essential Oils because they can break down plastic.
*Interested in Young Living Essential Oils? Get started now using my referral link so I get credit for your purchase (THANK YOU!), or learn more.
Gift Away!
Looking back, I wish I had bought it all and surprised him with it as a gift, but I think he enjoyed the process. It’s not the best gift for a stranger, but it is an awesome gift basket for a hubby or dad!
Don’t forget to add a cute label. Because everything is better with a cute label. Here is a free printable of my labels, sized to 2×2″. Be sure to add some packing tape over the label so those soapy, shave hands don’t ruin the label.
What do you think? What would you add to your DIY Vintage Shaving Kit for men?
As Always, thanks for reading!
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These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products, ideas and techniques mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Wow Jocie, this is amazing. I’ve heard that the old fashioned razors are coming back, but haven’t talked my hubby into using one yet. LOL I think they’re quite sensual. I did buy him a brush and Berma Shave cup with a round bar of soap ages ago for show, but now I’m thinking we need to go a step further.
Your pre-shave sounds like a great idea because my hubby has sensitive skin. Thanks for sharing.
let me know how it goes! ethan has really sensitive skin and has really been loving the effects of the pre and after shave!
LOVE THIS! I’m totally doing this for JM for his birthday!
post pix when you do!!! xoxo
Jocie, this is so cool! My husband has been DE shaving for about 5 or 6 years now. He has a whole collection of vintage razors (and some new ones) and mostly new brushes but he does have some vintage ones that he uses just for display. It’s fun to see someone else’s husband goes this route as well!
Jim has been talking about going this direction in shaving for weeks! Good to know about those pre and post shave ointments.
What size glass bottle is that?
I am wondering the same! What size glass bottles did you use?
2 oz! 🙂
i take that back, i used 1 oz and filled it most of the way, and then added the oil. sorry about the confusion, its been so long i forgot! 🙂
Are the bottles 1 oz glass spray or pump bottles?
Hi there! I’m just wondering where you get your vitamin E oil? I’ve found some on amazon but just wondering what you’d suggest? I don’t believe Young Living carries it
If not using “citrus” oils, a BPA free plastic will work fine. It’s only virus that degrades plastic.
Oops, spell check changed my word should be * citrus not virus