Okay, so we didn’t almost die, but we thought it might be a definite possiblity. A co-worker of mine got married this past weekend in south-west Virginia, about 4 hours from us. We left the girls with my sister-in-law (Thanks, Charis!) and got a hotel room for the night. It was a rare treat to be with adults, dressed up, and without the kids!
We weren’t really sure what to expect of the wedding. I knew that it was at her sister’s but was under the impression that my co-worker comes from southern money, so it could have been outdoors or indoors in a large estate house. Also, it was a 4 pm wedding, so usually not as formal as an evening wedding but can still be kinda dressy depending on the location. This also brought a crazy obsession about what to wear. I ended up settling a fancier sun dress with wedge sandals.
We get to the hotel on Saturday, check in, and then determine directions to the wedding. Thankfully we decided to add a little extra time since we didn’t know where we were going. Here’s the almost death part. We’re driving out in the middle of no-where with NO CELL SERVICE and I could swear I heard the banjo from Deliverance playing. Me and Ethan are far to pretty and city-like to survive, although Ethan did have his trusty pocket knife, you know, in case people got scrappy at the wedding. LOL! We drove probably 2 – 3 miles up a narrow gravel road, twisting up a mountain in Ethan’s sporty little Civic which was not getting great traction. Thankfully, no one was coming down the mountain at the same time.
At the top of the mountain was a cute wood cabin, a clearing, and a barn. Check out the tin roof. Ethan said that a good tin roof can last up to 50 years. 🙂
The wedding was set on the clearing with beautiful white chairs and a homemade trellis. BTW, I was sooo glad I had worn a sun dress and wedges or walking up the clearing would have been rough. Most came a little dressier than us (suits and stilettos, not together) but we were happy to have dressed down with the sun and terrain.
At the end of each row was a garden stake from which hung a Ball jar with flowers. At the start of the isle, where the flower girls and ring bearer started, was a wood box with flowers also. It was the most romantic and beautiful outdoor decorations I have ever seen at a wedding. It didn’t hurt that it was a beautiful day on top of a mountain.
After the ceremony, everyone walked down the hill to the party barn. No joke, it was a barn built for parties and it was Ah-maz-ing! Ethan joked that they were hearding the cattle – that’s why I took this second pic. lol!
We were greeted with passed hors d’oeuvres and several options of cold waters and juices, including watermelon juice, fresh lemonade, and citrus water.
Of the hors d’oeuvres, our favs were the mini bruschetta and the bacon-wrapped pineapple. Ethan really loves any food wrapped in bacon!
For adult beverages, there was an open bar with beer and wine. The coolest part was that the beer and wine was kept cold in an old, iron bath tub! What a cute way to class up the beer!
Behind the beer and wine was this cute sign directing people to the bathrooms. So precious!
At the gift table, everyone could write messages to the happy couple and tie them to a metal pasture gate.
The guest tables were so beautiful too. Each had a different white lace table cloth with an assortment of different bottles filled with flowers. We spied some pretty neat bottles, including one Patron at our table.
The party barn itself didn’t need too much decorations because it was beautiful in its own right, however they placed billowing white fabric lining the ceiling surrounded by white twinkle lights. It was so romantic, especially as the sun set.
The food and drinks were all wonderful and Ethan got to eat one of his favorites – Lamb! It was kinda funny since we were eating in a barn. lol! The wedding cake was also amazing and beautifully rustic.
We didn’t end up staying too late because we were scared we would accidentally drive off the side of the mountain by accident and never be seen again since we had no cell reception. But we were so glad to have gone and it was one of the prettiest weddings I’ve been too! Next time, I’ll bring my good camera instead of my iPhone. heehee
What do you think? What would you add for your Rustic Elegance wedding?
As Always, thanks for reading!
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Love it – looks like everyone had a great time, nice piece, & pictures
You know the first rule of traveling in the south when you hear banjo music right? Paddle Faster, or in your case speed up just a bit
Thanks, Sean. I wanted Ethan to drive faster but he was more worried about loosing traction on the mountain and falling off the edge than the impending doom. He has mixed up priorities if you ask me. 😉
My wifey and I went to a barn wedding a couple years ago and they had a swing made out of rope and a weathered board for a seat. Made for some great pictures in our fancy duds.
Love those ideas too! I wish we had brought our nice camera to get some cute pix of me and Ethan together. I bet you and the wifey were cute!
I love it! Looks like a perfect venue for a wedding.
Really like that trellis too.
I loved the trellis too – the pic really didn’t do it justice!
Very fun! I love the wild flower look for all the table pieces. What did the wedding party wear and what did their bouquets look like?
The wedding party was mostly kids, plus my co-worker’s sister, the matron of honor. She wore a pretty light pink, tea length dress. The best part was that the ring bearers matched their dad in seersucker suits and the littlest son wore a one piece shorts suit with a wide collar. they were all super cute. I didn’t feel comfortable posting other people’s kids on the blog, but they all matched the theme perfectly!
Wow! Beautiful wedding!
I presume in a future post you’ll discuss how to dress up the bathtub O Beer to match the bridal party.
Not to much to tell. They filled a bath tub up with ice then added the beer and wine. For a little extra color, they put a large vase of flowers beside! 🙂
I’ve heard of more and more country setting weddings in the past year. I think they’re pretty neat. Had we had our out building built we probably would have had our daughter’s wedding here this year. I imagine fun was had by all!
Beautiful setting,charm and ideas here. I liked that old bathtub to hold the beer. A photographers dream as so many picture perfect back drops too.
If I could have our wedding all over again (not if I get married again, because I married the love of my life) I’d do it just like this one! So fun and love all the rustic touches. Thanks for sharing Jocie!
My feelings exactly!! Getting ready to celebrate my 30th anniversary in a few weeks!
love the claw foot tub!
I love the large glass containers with drinks where in. They look so lovely on the metal stands.